Supported Currencies (tokens)

Kele Pool currently supports the mining of 8 currencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, CKB, HNS, KDA, STC, and ETC. You can view the currency information on the homepage of the website, including hashrate, daily earnings, tutorial, payout threshold, service fee, settlement method, mining address, etc.

Daily Earnings: Daily earnings are estimated daily earnings based on real-time mining difficulty and block rewards. Due to various factors such as mining difficulty adjustment, miner fee reward fluctuations, etc., the actual mining earnings on the day will be slightly different. Therefore, the daily income is for reference only, and the actual mining income is subject to the actual amount issued by the mining pool.

Mining Address: The mining address is used for mining configuration, you need to fill in the mining pool address on your mining machine or mining software to access the kele mining pool.

Payout Threshold: Kele Pool initiates payments between 00:00 and 08:00 UTC every day. In order to reduce network congestion caused by micropayments, the Kele Pool has set a minimum payment threshold. If the payment does not reach the minimum threshold, the mining pool will suspend payment requests. Payments will be made automatically when the account balance exceeds the minimum limit.

Handling fee: At present, the withdrawal fee is borne by the platform.